The End – on this topic anyway !

Hello Everyone –

Happy 2013!

I am sorry for the long period between posts, but as I get back into the family mix, it only seems we get more busy and makes me once again realize all that Lisa had to endure while I was sick. Add to that a debt that can never be repaid to all the families, people in our community, and our friends near and far who journeyed in to help us shuttle kids, get meals going, take kids to school and through long nights of homework. To all – we are very grateful and forever in your debt!

As the 2012 year closed out, we got some great news from my doctors. I had a PET scan on the 28th of December, and on the 31st my doc called and told me my scans came back clean! I am cured. I was not aware of how much of a weight this entire thing was until I heard that. The news took a few days to sink in, but what a relief it has been. I still have some months of recovery for my energy levels, etc. I dropped 85 pounds throughout this little adventure, and now as I work to eat right to restore my energy, I am also trying not to add pounds back on. In fact, it would be great if I could drop 15 more lbs. (WITHOUT THE CANCER FACTOR THIS TIME).

Again, I want to thank everyone for all you have done for us, brought us, thought of us, and prayed for us. As I often tell people I see as bad as this was, it would have been 100 times worse without all the thoughts, prayers, and actions of each of you.

With love and appreciation,


One thought on “The End – on this topic anyway !

  1. Congratulations & may GOD continue to bless you and your “Posse”… jmr

    Sent from my iPhone

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